Webinar on: Sustainable proteins in the Mediterranean region
In order to decouple European agriculture's dependence on protein imports, [...]
In order to decouple European agriculture's dependence on protein imports, [...]
The AppleCoal project has started. The kick-off meeting of [...]
The symposium Towards New Horizons - Sustainable Solutions in [...]
The agricultural research centres in Brandenburg and Berlin are the [...]
The ILU was represented at the OrgHort2024 symposium in [...]
The coordination office at the ILU provides information: For many [...]
The Bio4Food project is looking for ways to increase yields [...]
Today, Thursday, Environment Minister Axel Vogel and State Secretary Anja [...]
This year, the Institute for Food and Environmental Research e.V. [...]
Hochqualitative und nährstoffreiche Lebensmittel durch aus Gemüseabfällen gewonnene Biostimulanzien und Biopestiziden (Bio4Food)